The Bride's Tomb is a tomb and cultural heritage monument in Mullet, Petrelë Municipality, Tirana District, Albania[1]. This monument is of the "Architecture" type, approved under the number "Order on 08.01.1977".
Tyrbja e Nuses is located in the village of Mullet, near the Church of Maxhara. There is no special study for this monument, but based on the construction technique, the use of cloisonné and serrations in the shape of a saw, as well as the similarities with the Church of Maxhara, it could be dated to the 14th century, but started from the function similar to the tombs of the Ottoman period, we say that it may belong to the XVth Century and the beginning of the XVIth Century. The monument in the mullet carries a legend, according to which it was built in memory of the young bride who was killed on the day of the wedding, during the armed struggle of two wedding groups, which accidentally crossed paths at the entrance to the village.